The Kohane Lab held our annual Escalade Party at the end of 2024! This celebration honors the valiant defense of Geneva, Switzerland against the neighboring Savoyans in 1602.
Legend has it that a local townswoman, Catherine Cheynel (“Mère Royaume”), dumped a large cauldron of boiling vegetable soup over the attackers. This event is commemorated every year with a chocolate cauldron (“marmite”) filled with truffles and marzipan veggies.
To celebrate Dan’s hometown and heritage of Geneva, he shared a quick presentation on the history of the Fête de l’Escalade and told us stories of his time there. As a group, we shared delicious food and laughs with friends and family that could attend.
Unfortunately, our cauldron came broken this year. But that didn’t stop us from enjoying amazing Swiss chocolate, truffles, and marzipan together. We ended with a white elephant gift exchange, but no one stole anything from each other this time around! Another wonderful year!