Zhu P, Simon I, Kokalari I, Kohane DS*, Rwei AY*: Miniaturized therapeutic systems for ultrasound-modulated drug delivery to the central and peripheral nervous system. Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 2024; read more

Choi W, Aizik G, Ostertag-Hill C, Kohane DS: A hybrid nanoparticle-protein hydrogel system for prolonged local anesthesia. Biomaterials 2024; read more

Annual Escalade Party 2023

The Kohane Lab held our annual Escalade Party at the end of 2023! This celebrates the valiant defense of Geneva, Switzerland against the neighboring Savoyans in 1602. Legend has it that a local townswoman, Catherine Cheynel (“Mère Royaume”), dumped a large cauldron of boiling vegetable soup over the attackers. This event is commemorated every year Read More …