Brian McAlvin and Brian Timko win MIT $100K Pitch on Path to Prevent Deaths from Sepsis

On October 28th, Brian McAlvin and Brian Timko, also known as”Good SIRS” swept the first of three rounds of the MIT $100K Pitch competition, winning both judge and audience approval with a promising device to treat sepsis.  They are developing a blood-filtering device that can remove factors in the blood that are responsible for organ failure.  The Read More …

Two Rong’s Make a Right

  On Thursday, July 23rd, the Kohane lab said farewell to Rong Tong.  Rong Tong has left the Kohane lab to begin a position as Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Virginia Tech.  Rong Yang and Rong Tong are pictured on the left.  Good luck, Rong!

Dan Presents at 18th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Otitis Media

On Friday, June 11th, Dan gave a keynote talk at the 18th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Otitis Media. The 18th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Otitis Media brought together investigators whose research and clinical interests were focused on diseases of the middle ear; these included otolaryngologists, pediatricians, infectious disease experts, immunologists, pharmacologists, epidemiologists, statisticians, public health officials, Read More …

Dan is Awarded Fellow Teacher of the Year

On Friday, June 5th, Dan was awarded “Fellow Teacher of the Year” at Boston Children’s Hospital in the Department of Anesthesiology, Perioperative & Pain Medicine.  The award was presented to him at the Annual Pediatric Critical Care Medicine Fellow’s Graduation Dinner at the Harvard Club in Boston.  Congratulations!

Dan Makes the Top 100 Medicine Maker Power List

On Tuesday, May 26th, Dan found out that he made it into the 2015 Medicine Maker Power List.  The Power List ranks the top 100 most influential people in the field. You can check out the list here: Congratulations, Dan!

Boston Children’s Hospital Innovators’ Showcase

On Wednesday, April 15th Brian Timko, Stephanie Okonkwo, Andre Shomorony and Brian McAlvin participated in the Boston Children’s Hospital 2nd Annual Innovators’ Showcase.  The showcase was held in the Patient Entertainment Center (PEC) and PEC Hallway at Boston Children’s Hospital. Brian McAvlin, MD (right) showcased a novel circuit device that filters patient blood with a high Read More …

Mengyuan and Lele’s Baby is Born

At  9:00am on Friday, January 30th, Mengyuan and Lele Li’s baby was born at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston.  Their son’s name is Ethan Li and he was born weighing 6 pounds, 10 ounces.  Congratulations!